Breakthrough AI

Breakthrough AI

February 2024

This project showcases an intelligent agent for the abstract strategy game "Breakthrough". The AI leverages iterative deepening alpha-beta pruning and a multi-faceted evaluation function to analyze the game state strategically. It considers crucial factors like piece proximity to the goal, capture opportunity, and diagonal formation potential.

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NUS Statistics and Data Science Mini-Project: Data the Explorer

NUS Statistics and Data Science Mini-Project: Data the Explorer

September 2023

Achieved 2nd place in this 2-hour Exploratory Data Analysis competition, where the challenge was to transform a real-world dataset into comprehensive visual representations.

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August 2022

Designed a prototype of an app to address mental illness in elderly people in Singapore. The app allows them to find friends, sign up for community activities and match up with volunteers.

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Go Digital ASEAN 2020, a Tech For Good Innovation Challenge

Go Digital ASEAN 2020, a Tech For Good Innovation Challenge

August 2020 - February 2021

This project aims to develop a BIOS screen reader designed for visually impaired engineers. It is supported by both and our client, SG Enable. The mobile app utilizes the Flutter framework for its UI/UX, incorporates a Tensorflow model for screen classification, and leverages Google's ML Kit for text recognition.

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